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"About the Wind, the Meadows and the Nine Worlds" - A colorful, eye-catching illustration of the Enneagram!

A wonderful support for parents, educators and teachers to address problems, worries and needs with children. 

The first book of its kind is based on the Enneagram model of personality. Whether in a private or professional environment, the typical characteristics of our fellow human beings does literally strike the reader. Even grown-ups will relate!

Claudia Schöffler, Alfons Mayer and Petra Götz

8.5" x 11" (21.59 cm x 27.94 cm), soft cover, 34 pages, four-color 

ISBN 978-0-9903273-1-8

19.90 € (incl. VAT)

Nine completely different animals, who initially had few things in common, let the Eagle talk them into organizing a big celebration. But that's not all; each of the nine animals must also give a performance. Their individual reactions, sentiments and thoughts diverge wildly. The Butterfly is beside herself with joy, the beautiful Wild Horse, on the other hand - initially isn't at all interested in participating…
Following the big evening, a very special moment takes hold of each of them and they each make a surprising discovery !

The nine different personality types of the Enneagram (Greek: ennea = 9, gramma = image, symbol) are mirrored in these nine animals. Each of the nine images exemplifies its own world that is sustained by a central objective to feel a certain way. Basic feelings we, as humans, pursue throughout our daily lives. People are different and behave in different ways and, from the perspective of the Enneagram, this is completely normal. 

Young or old, boy or girl, each of us lives in our own world.

We are closer and more familiar with some, while other strategies puzzle us - we experience them as extraordinarily alien. Other people can be so different to me!

At that moment when we as adults (parent, day-care providers or teachers) discern our children in their particular world, we can finally see who they really are – and they feel understood. 

Each of the animals has its own special gift or talent. In any organization or system – kindergarten, school, class, family or company – each of these strategies is needed for a healthy and prosperous growth of the individual and/or the whole group. 

It is the nine worlds taken together that make the world go round.


This book is a support for parents, educators and teachers working or living with children to address their worries and needs.

What does my child want to tell me? 

Sometimes we don't have words to explain our behavior. Pictures can help to start the conversation.

Why does nobody understand me?

What I mean, and how I mean what I say or do, is not automatically clear for people around me. People feel, think and act differently. We actually speak different languages.

Why is this so important to me?

We act according to the rules of our personal value system. As adults, it seems normal to us to tell our children what is good, or bad for them. But maybe my child has a different value system than I have.

The Enneagram explains unconscious needs of different personality types. The eye-catching illustrations in the book make it clear where everyone has their focus and what is important to them. Since every value system has its own logic, it becomes clear that tolerance and acceptance for a functioning community are important.


After her business studies in France and Great Britain, Claudia Schöffler gathered work experience in the world of media. Since the birth of her two children, she has been working as a freelance consultant in marketing, sales and recruitment for SMEs and larger corporations. With the publication of her Enneagram children's book in 2012, she has founded kapila kommunikation. Today she is a trainer and coach, providing consultation on soft skills development based on the Enneagram for the private and corporate world.

 Claudia Schöffler & kapila

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